Thesis Project

Persistence in the Darkness of Change

Subject to Changes

Pending Update

The most updated version of this project is found in Word (Only in Spanish)


Discovering the Dark Value of Perseverance in a Relentlessly Changing Society by Redefining the Boundaries of Daily Events from the Past.


Nicolás Daniel Tovar

Colombia, Bogotá D.C



Digital Art Gallery


In a world where pressure is the common currency and human connection often fades in the whirlwind of daily life, this study stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a deeper understanding of oneself and the relationships that surround us. 

From the challenge of being authentic in a scenario where the mask is a second skin to the exploration of the complexities of human relationships, this project encompasses a broad and profound spectrum. It delves into the turbulent waters of the emotional and psychological challenges we all face in our quest for authenticity and personal growth. And, with the wisdom gained in the trenches of personal experience, it highlights the crucial role of social support and human connection in building bridges over the emotional chasms.

Through a narrative that intertwines individual experience with the universal quest for meaning and connection, this project invites deep reflection on the value of authenticity, the importance of genuine relationships, and the inner strength necessary to overcome life's challenges. In a world where authenticity is often overshadowed by appearance and human connection may seem like a distant luxury, this work seeks to offer not only valuable perspectives but also a beacon of hope for those navigating the tumultuous waters of human existence.

Problem Statement

In the pursuit of authenticity and personal growth, individuals find themselves immersed in a complex landscape of emotional, psychological, and social challenges. In a society where the pressure to meet expectations and maintain an idealized image is omnipresent, many face an internal struggle to find their true selves and establish meaningful relationships.

One of the fundamental issues lies in the difficulty of maintaining authenticity in an environment where outer image and perception often take precedence over internal authenticity. This gap between desired authenticity and projected image can lead to internal conflicts and difficulties in forming genuine relationships. 

Furthermore, the dynamics of interpersonal relationships can significantly influence one's self-perception and emotional well-being. Experiences of falseness, lack of support, and disconnection can undermine self-confidence and hinder the development of a solid and authentic identity.

Problem Formulation

How does social pressure and external expectations affect individuals' ability to be authentic with themselves and others?

What is the impact of interpersonal relationship dynamics on individuals' self-perception and emotional well-being?

What role does social support and human connection play in the process of personal growth and the development of an authentic identity?

How can emotional refuges, such as sports, philosophy, or a specific place, contribute to the pursuit of authenticity and personal development?


The project acknowledges that authenticity, personal growth, and interpersonal relationships are multidimensional phenomena that cannot be reduced to simplistic explanations or universal formulas. Instead, it embarks on a journey of exploration that spans from the depths of the individual self to the complexities of social interactions, recognizing the richness and diversity of human experiences in the process.

The findings of this study may have a direct impact on people's everyday life by offering strategies and tools to address emotional and relational challenges. These practical applications may be useful in educational, work, and community settings, helping to promote a culture of acceptance, mutual support, and personal growth.

Understanding the importance of persistence in the darkness of change can also provide tools and strategies for those facing moments of transition or crisis. By recognizing that darkness is a natural part of the path to growth, a resilient and optimistic attitude can be cultivated, allowing people to navigate these periods with greater strength and clarity.

General Objective

Explore and understand the phenomenon of persistence amidst change, investigating how people face and overcome the challenges of everyday life in a constantly evolving society. Through a multidisciplinary approach that integrates psychological, sociological, and philosophical perspectives, we seek to unravel the internal and external mechanisms that influence individuals' capacity to persist in the face of change, thus redefining the limits of what is possible and building a deeper understanding of human resilience.


This is FuckOffPast
